Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County’s 2023 Annual Celebration & Pink Party!

By Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz, Executive Director, Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County

This March we will acknowledge Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day. And, we will gather our donors and friends to acknowledge the 6 C’s of women’s giving: connect, change, commit, create, collaborate, and celebrate at the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County’s 2023 Annual Celebration & Pink Party!

We hope you will join us on Wednesday, March 8, 2023 – International Women’s Day at Howard Community College, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm for our Annual Celebration and Pink Party.

You can purchase tickets and/sponsor here

​We are excited to welcome our Keynote Speaker Victoria Vrana, CEO of Global Giving who will be speaking on: “Building Community Through Cooperation + Collaboration”

And, we will host a distinguished panel who will discuss “The Keys to Building Community Locally Through Collaboration”

  • Tonya Aikens, President & CEO – Howard County Library System
  • Candace Dodson-Reed, VP Gov. Relations & Community Affairs, UMBC
  • Lee Draminski, Partnership Specialist, Vectorworks
  • Daria Willis, President, Howard Community College


Join us to hear the latest update on the Women’s Giving Circle as we celebrate our collective efforts this year, and our cooperation and collaboration with our donors, and our nonprofit and community partners to support women, girls and families in Howard County.

Victoria Vrana, CEO of GlobalGiving is formerly the Deputy Director of Philanthropic Partnerships at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She is a global philanthropic leader and innovator who has broad experience overseeing portfolios in policy, data, and everyday giving, and has been a key architect in building the infrastructure and supporting the growth of the national collective giving movement, which includes the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County. And, we’ll have our panel conversation with Victoria and WGC partners about how we are building community locally through cooperation + collaboration.

​It’s our 2023 Pink Party – and we invite you to wear all of the pink!

  • If you would like to attend the WGC’s 2023 Annual Celebration and need some assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. ​
  • If you would like to attend but don’t have transportation, please contact our partners at Neighbor Ride.
  • We’ll be collecting products for our Feminine Hygiene Product Drive – please plan to drop some products in our bins for us to provide to our partners at the Community Action Council/Howard County Food Bank, Columbia Community Care and JustLiving Advocacy.

We are proud to focus on building community through cooperation + collaboration:


We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, March 8 for WGC’s 2023 Annual Celebration & Pink Party!

The WGC is building a community of philanthropists to address the needs of women and girls in Howard County, Maryland and can be found at: www.womensgivingcircle.org.

Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz is the Executive Director of the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County. She can be reached at: buffybschwartz@wgchowardcounty.org and www.wgchowardcounty.org

Her Mind Magazine

The publication has become a beloved resource for women in Howard County. We report on the accomplishments, the celebrations and the challenges that Howard County women are involved with every day. And our advertisers serve as a go-to for information on everything from healthcare to business advice to your next night on the town. Thanks to our vibrant community, the magazine grows stronger every year.
WGC Image for Her Mind Blog Post

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