Female Empowerment is
the New Modern Media
Why traditional, but connected platforms have more influence than digital giants.
The modern advertising industry is chock full of choices for eager business owners. From branded content on social media, to digital billboards, and Google search, there's a lot to consider. It's easy to forget about more conventional spaces like print, or previously prevalent investments like online ads. Though some large companies have moved on to more innovative platforms, there's something to be said about the role these less trendy methods play in helping small businesses stand out from the crowd. When you're working with a tight budget, your ability to be creative actually increases with a less expensive approach. Furthermore, it's harder to guarantee that you will generate any additional buzz with your social ads among the many big brand companies trying to compete.
A report called "The State of Online Advertising," released by Adobe in 2013, compares the effectiveness of traditional and digital media in meeting the needs of consumers. The majority of those surveyed, across seven different countries, found traditional media to be the best for marketing and advertising. The survey also found that American consumers specifically tend to "like" the brands on social media that they already buy and support, instead of the ones trying to target them.
According to Forbes contributor Dave Lavinsky, a self-proclaimed "serial entrepreneur," small businesses often forget about advertising to their current customers while trying the latest techniques to gain new ones. He writes, "In most business models, the cost of acquiring a new customer is far more expensive than the cost of retaining your existing customers." He makes the points that current customers are more likely to purchase high priced items, and can provide free publicity through word-of-mouth to their friends. The survey from Adobe also found that family, friends, and co-workers ranked the highest in credibility when it comes to advertising a product.
Her Mind magazine operates in a similar partnership with our advertisers. Though clients commonly purchase a traditional print or a Web ad through our media kit, the popularity of our associated channels propels their investment to a host of new faces. We often reference our advertisers in e-blasts and e-newsletters, at social events, and on social media. We have all of the tools handy to help you grow your business: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Why purchase an ad on those channels when you can gain increased exposure through us? Buying an ad in Her Mind magazine is like gaining a new friend with the potential to expand your network.
Indeed, we've linked many powerful people together over the past six years, from doctors and dentists, to caterers and inventors. More than 21,000 copies of Her Mind magazine are mailed directly to affluent women and women-owned businesses, doctors, dentists, and targeted to businesses catering to women in Howard County. An additional 5,000 can be found at key locations and events around town. The shelf life of these print materials is also greater than any digital commercial. Once a reader scrolls past your purchase on a social platform, it's unlikely they'll seek it out again. In contrast, because copies of Her Mind are regularly accessible to new readers, there will always be a set of eyes on your company or product.
At this very moment in the marketing sphere, there is a shift in the way businesses are targeting female consumers. Gone are the days in which sex and stereotypes successfully sold products. The new practice is to use women empowerment to drive profits. Her Mind magazine is all about women empowerment. We're written and designed by women for women, with the goal to nurture, inspire, and encourage all females in Howard County to reach their full potential.
For more information, see our Media Kit below and Contact Us today!
A Woman's Purse is More
Powerful Than Ever Before
According to recent insights by Merrill Lynch, women in the United States now hold approximately $5 trillion in purchasing power, and it is estimated that women will be in charge of more than 50 percent of America's overall wealth by the year 2030.
As the female presence in the workforce continues to grow, so do the number of women-owned businesses, and the number of women in leadership positions at Fortune 500 companies. The influence of this growth is staggering. As Forbes magazine contributor Geri Stengel reports, there is great potential in the simple fact that women understand other women. "That insight," she writes, "gives us an edge in developing products that better meet our needs."
It also gives female creators and consumers more of a lead in shaping the conversation around those products. Stengel brings to light the increasing number of networking groups and organizations focused around advising female business owners on how to access opportunities and tackle their "day-to-day challenges." However, these advisory networks don't exist solely in the corporate world. Women in all spheres are now striving to make an impact in their communities and abroad by adding to the conversation. Her Mind Magazine is just one example.
A 2011 Nielsen report entitled, "Women of Tomorrow: A Study of Women Around the World," provides insight into how women around the globe are connecting with one another. Social networks are key, the report states, "...broadening her 'circle of influence' and becoming an indispensable tool for solving problems, asking questions, and building the community." Some other valuable findings by Nielsen include that women are more engaged online than men, and spend a greater amount of time browsing fewer websites. Once a site has gained a loyal female visitor, it is clear from these statistics that her attention will not be as easily swayed by the digital competition as that of a male consumer.
A more recent look into women's media consumption habits, courtesy of AdWeek magazine, shows that 69 percent of women surveyed consume media on the Internet because it "...gives them ideas for new brands/products to try." Additionally, 38 percent of women surveyed read print magazines because they "...like the detailed information magazines provide." It thus makes sense that a print magazine with a strong online readership has the potential to attract and keep the attention of female consumers, who access its website first and then dive into its print edition to learn more. And this is great news for magazine advertisers!
Women are responsible for more than 80 percent of all purchasing decisions in the United States; both in regard to everyday necessities and big-ticket items such as homes and automobiles, according to Nielsen. As Forbes magazine contributor Bridget Brennan points out, these purchases are not solely individual, but frequently on behalf of others, including friends and family who live outside of their household. Furthermore, Brennan states, a women is "...often the influence or veto vote behind someone else's purchase." And so overall, she is who advertisers need to access.
Her Mind Magazine is that ideal access point, a powerful and hyperlocal source for readers to share ideas, gather insight, and access news and inspirational stories about Howard County women. Our content appeals to, and influences numerous industries including local business, philanthropy, food, health and wellness, and the arts, among others.
26,000 copies go directly into the hands of your customer - women. Nearly 21,000 are MAILED to affluent women, women-owned businesses, doctors, dentists and targeted businesses catering to women in Howard County. 5,000 copies are also distributed to key locations and at events targeting women.
Let Her Mind increase your social media presence! Her Mind magazine offers its advertisers additional exposure through all key media channels: eblasts, enewsletters, contests, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn as well as ads available on our enewsletter.
For more information, see our Media Kit below and Contact Us today!
Are you a small business owner? Read more about how to make your dollar count in small business advertising and why hyperlocal publications are the answer.
Sponsorship Opportunities
If you are interested in advertising or sponsorship opportunities: Email us at bditman@custommediaoptions.com or call (410) 705-6234.
Pick-up a copy of the latest edition: Her Mind is distributed at all Howard County libraries and most Howard County spas, salons, delis, gyms, OB/GYN and pediatrician offices. Or email us at bsmith@custommediaoptions.com to learn about specific drop locations in your area.
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