For Kermit the Frog, it wasn’t easy being green, but let’s face it, it’s not easy being left-handed either. If you’ve ever struggled to locate a left-handed desk in a crowded classroom, a pair of scissors that didn’t make your knuckles hurt, or a mouse on the left-hand side of a keyboard, we tip our hats to you. Lefties are unique, but so often underappreciated. Like a child with a name that was never on a keychain, growing up with a different dominant hand meant sometimes feeling…well…left out. Even with today’s modern technology, simple things, such as left-hand emojis, are still limited! Yet, this rare percentage of the population continues to press on, and accomplish great things despite daily inconveniences. Only a little over 10 percent of people in the world are left-handed, which is why a special day was established to raise awareness about the benefits and burdens of their everyday life. Yes, it’s true! There’s an International Left Hander’s Day, and its origins are quite interesting.
The left-handed holiday isn’t exactly a new tradition. While there’s not much documented of the original celebration, a few sources indicate the first observance occurred on August 13, 1976 in the United States. Years later, in 1992, the official Left-Handers Club launched a more organized event in the UK, which has grown in popularity both regionally and globally. The day serves to recognize the distinctive aspects of being left-handed, both as a bonding mechanism between lefties, and also as a way to raise awareness of the real frustrations that come with having to adapt to right-handed tools. According to the official Left Hander’s Day website, these events, and the associated work of the club, have done a lot to increase the amount of products marketed to and designed for left-handers. The club also promotes research into what it means to be left-handed, including its associated implications on a person’s physical health and cognitive functions.
While it may not necessarily be accurate to say that lefties are more creative than righties, or that they think differently, there is truth to the idea that blending in to a right-handed majority is hard for some children. According to this information sheet, early milestones such as playing with toys, learning to read and write, or getting dressed, can be more challenging for left-handed children using right-handed objects. This holiday is a light-hearted way to poke fun at traditional left-handed stereotypes, but it also encourages parents, educators, and other influential individuals to focus on increasing support and understanding. One of the themes that occurs annually in the UK for example is a “Lefty Zone.” Within this space, left-handers can rejoice using their dominant hand to compete in themed events, while, according to the Left Hander’s Day site, “right-handers (are) encouraged to try out everyday left-handed objects to see just how awkward it can feel using the wrong equipment.” The team is always looking for new ways to celebrate, and we are too! For some laughs and more fun facts, check out this video featuring the official song of the holiday, “Lefty’s Lament.” And if you plan to host your own Left-Hander’s Day party, let us know! We’d love to hear what you think about this special occasion.