Your financial health is like physical health. Both require knowledgeable advice, a long term view, and a proactive approach. And like your physical health, sometimes we neglect a needed financial check-up. There are enough demands on our time (kids, spouse, bosses, and friends) that take priority over ourselves. Join me on a quick fiscal exam to check your financial well being and start investing in you.
CHECK YOUR VITALS Take a look at your portfolios. Are your investments performing as you had expected given the market conditions? What you need to know: Asset allocation decisions are among the most important factors affecting your portfolio volatility. Are you taking on the correct amount of risk based on your goals and time frame?
EMPLOYER SPONSORED RETIREMENT PLANS Are you contributing to your retirement account? If not, you may be missing out on an opportunity. What you need to know: 2014 contributions for 401(k), 403(b), 457(b) and SAR-SEP plans are limited to $17,500. If cash flows allow, did you remember to increase your salary deferral to max out your contribution? Salary deferrals reduce your taxable income. Does your employer provide a match? Many companies incentivize employees by matching a portion of your salary, but only if you contribute to your plan. If you can’t afford to max your contributions, an initial goal may be to capture the match.
TAX RETURNS The year is almost over! Have you considered meeting with a tax professional to review your return and plan for the year to come? What you need to know: A tax professional can often help identify deductions you are not taking. There may be advanced planning opportunities available to you.
BENEFICIARIES Did you know beneficiary designations are considered a contract and bypass your will? What you need to know: Naming a beneficiary allows you the opportunity to designate proper distribution and avoid the probate with your estate. If your beneficiary designations conflict with your will and trust agreements, your actual wishes may not be carried out.
FINANCIAL CHECK-UP These four important topics are just a few of many issues that women should be aware when focusing attention to our financial health.
Start investing in you.
Amanda R. Piper, MBA, CEP®Financial Advisor Wagener-Lee, LLCAn Independent Registered Investment Advisor—-5950 Symphony Woods Road, Suite 412Columbia, MD 21044 (443)-276-9595
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