(S)heroes Among Us


By Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz, Executive Director, Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County

As we kicked-off Women’s History Month, over 200 attendees joined the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County virtually for our March 8, 2021 Annual Celebration – on International Women’s Day!

We discussed the work of the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County and to get involved, and we heard about “Democratizing and Diversifying Philanthropy Through the Power of Collective Giving” from our Keynote Speakers Valaida Fullwood and Sara Lomelin.

And, we focused on “(S)heroes Among Us” during our Annual Celebration, believing that all women are (S)heroes in their own ways – women admired for their courage and outstanding achievements.

We viewed our Virtual (S)hero Mosaic, highlighting over 500 local (S)heroes, and we featured five (S)heroes Among Us who have led critical efforts on behalf of organizations that we have funded this year through our Emergency Response Network, who are focusing on widespread community needs affecting women, their families, and the broader community.

If you were unable to join us you can view the recorded event here and read the event program here.

We invite you to join us for a follow-up conversation on April 14 at 8:30 am with each of our Featured (S)heroes to hear about their organizations and how you can get involved. Hear from: Jen BroderickErika Strauss ChavarriaBita DayhoffDr. Mariana Izraelson, and Vanita Leatherwood. Click on the links to read more about each of them, and register here to hear directly from them.

As we end Women’s History Month, we thank all the (S)heroes Among Us in Howard County who make a difference every day in our community!

shero – /ˈSHirō,ˈSHērō/
A woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements

Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz is the Executive Director of the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County. She can be reached at: buffybschwartz@wgchowardcounty.org and www.wgchowardcounty.org

Her Mind Magazine

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