We all reinvent ourselves many times over during our lifetimes – sometimes consciously and by choice, and other times, like so many changes, reinvention is out of our control and forced upon us. This Reinvention Series focuses on women who have forged entirely new paths in their personal and professional lives and are now living life in new and unexpected ways.
Rebecca Youssef has already reinvented herself several times over her first 29 years. Watch the full interview to learn about the interesting path Rebecca took from making COVID-19 masks for health care workers to her already thriving new business, What’s Pups, a woman-owned luxury dog accessories company based in Columbia, MD. Rebecca shares some of the ups and downs of her journey, including her serendipitous wedding in Egypt and how she struggled as a child with dyslexia and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and later with bipolar disorder.
Melissa Curtin, MSW, is a Certified Transformational Coach who believes that we reinvent ourselves many times over in our lifetimes and that ideally, reinvention is a healthy and invigorating experience. She coaches women to embrace and strengthen their unique skills and talents to live more fulfilled and energetic lives. Melissa can be reached at melissa@melissacurtincoaching.com.