By Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz, Executive Director, Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County
Elevating the voices and philanthropy of our members and friends throughout the year.
The Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County has launched the “Our Giving, Our Stories” Recognition Series, a year-long series of giving profiles designed to amplify the voices of women and girls in Howard County, Maryland.
Building on the August 2020 “Our Giving, Our Stories” month-long series of giving profiles in celebration of Black Philanthropy Month, “Our Giving, Our Stories” is now enhanced as a year-long opportunity to highlight women philanthropists in our community. We are accepting the names of women throughout the year who may be profiled.
You can read our first two 2021 profiles of Dr. Chiara D’Amore and Bach Jeffrey here.
“We are excited to build upon our support of National Black Philanthropy Month to develop “Our Giving, Our Stories” into a year-long philanthropic leadership recognition effort” said Hina Naseem and Judy Smith, co-Chairs of WGC’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. “Inspiring philanthropic leadership and increasing giving by amplifying the voices of women and girls are among the goals of this effort and we are committed to advancing this important work in our community.”
The Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County is proud to elevate the voices and giving of our members and friends throughout the year, which will include, but is not limited to:
- January: Martin Luther King Birthday Celebration
- February: Black History Month
- March: Women’s History Month
- April: Earth Day
- May: Asian-American Pacific Heritage Month
- June: LGBTQIA+ Pride Month
- August: Black Philanthropy Month
- September: Hispanic Heritage Month
- October: National Disability Employment Awareness
- October: Indigenous People’s Day
- November: National Veterans and Military Families Month
Learn more about each day/month/event for which you may submit a name for recognition here
“I was thrilled to lead the WGC’s “Our Giving, Our Stories!” profile effort for Black Philanthropy Month in August 2020” said Malynda Madzel, philanthropist and former WGC Advisory Board Member. “As a long-time supporter of the WGC, I was so excited to elevate the voices of women in our community who give back in so many ways and look forward to enhancing this effort year-round.”
Please share your story and/or submit the names of women philanthropists here
We’ll be promoting the WGC’s “Our Giving, Our Stories” on an ongoing basis on our website, in our eNewsletter, and through social media to elevate the voices and actions of women in our community who give in so many ways including time, talent, and financial resources.
“Elevating the important stories of how women and girls are giving is critical as we work to engage others in collectively addressing issues in our community, and our country” said Barb Van Winkle, WGC Chair. Thanks to so many women and girls in our community for your voices, your stories, and all that you do to make a difference in Howard County!”
Buffy Beaudoin-Schwartz is the Executive Director of the Women’s Giving Circle of Howard County. She can be reached at: buffybschwartz@wgchowardcounty.org and www.wgchowardcounty.org