Fall Equinox Twilight Hike and Campfire
Mt. Pleasant 10520 Old Frederick Road, Woodstock, MDTake a hike and eat s’mores around a campfire. $10 per car. 5-7 p.m. Mt. Pleasant, 10520 Old Frederick Road, Woodstock. 410.465.8877, hcconservancy.org.
Take a hike and eat s’mores around a campfire. $10 per car. 5-7 p.m. Mt. Pleasant, 10520 Old Frederick Road, Woodstock. 410.465.8877, hcconservancy.org.
Howard Community College Arts Collective (AC) kicks off its 22nd season with an “Underground Rooftop Coffee House,” a celebration of the visual, written, and performing arts on Thursday, September 22. This artistic collage is presented by ongoing and new partnerships among AC’s popular improv troupe, “What Improv Group?!” (W.I.G.), Howard Community College (HCC) Humanities Department, […]
Fall In Carroll County September 24: 11 am-6 pm Union Mills Homestead & Grist Mill Centrally located, just 45 minutes from Howard County For a free visitor packet: 800-272-1933 CarrollCountyTourism.org
Fall In Carroll County September 24: 11 am-4 pm Piney Run Park & Nature Center Sykesville Centrally located, just 45 minutes from Howard County For a free visitor packet: 800-272-1933 CarrollCountyTourism.org
Performances by tribute bands of Earth, Wind & Fire; Steely Dan; Funkadelic; Led Zepellin; and others. Complimentary food and wine tasting. To benefit Concert for Causes a nonprofit that raises funds to give musical instruments to students in under served communities. $30-$90. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Howard County Fairgrounds, 2210 Fairgrounds Road, West Friendship. […]
Fall In Carroll County September 30: 6 pm-Midnight Historic Downtown Westminster Centrally located, just 45 minutes from Howard County For a free visitor packet: 800-272-1933 CarrollCountyTourism.org
Fire station tours, safety information, refreshments, moon bounce, face painting to celebrate Fire Prevention Month. Free. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Elkridge Volunteer Fire Department, 6275 Old Washington Road, Elkridge. 410-313-4901.
Have fun on hay and pony rides and see the farm animals. Listen to bluegrass music; watch the blacksmiths, take part in children’s crafts. There will be artisans and demonstrations and food to purchase. $10 per car. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mt. Pleasant, 10520 Old Frederick Road, Woodstock. 410.465.8877, hcconservancy.org.
Grab your girls and head on out to Historic Savage Mill for fun, food, wine, shopping, special prizes, deals, and much more!
See the wonders of the night sky. The observatory will also be open. Sponsored by the Howard Astronomical League. Free. 6:30-11 p.m. Alpha Ridge Community Park, 11685 Old Frederick Road, Marriottsville. Howardastro.org.