The Christmas season is upon us! And to celebrate, we’re playing a classic Christmas movie at the brewery – Elf! Movie will start at 4 P.M. & will be played all night.
A Belgian Dubbel brewed with candy canes and pixy stix called Cotton-Headed Ninny-Muggins (Buddy the elf would be happy).
Bistro Lunchbox from 5-8 P.M.
The person with the best (and ugliest) sweater of the night, wins a free crowler fill of your choice as well as a Black Flag Brewery gift card! Winner will be announced on the 23rd. Check in with the bartenders at any time to enter!
So make sure to pass through the seven levels of the candy cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, walk through the Lincoln tunnel, and then eventually arrive at Black Flag. (preferably on the 22nd though ).